Assignment Details
OpSys Platform Unknown Install Update AppName Specific 000
Assigned to: Dominic Sinclair
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Contractor Name
Dominic Sinclair
Customer Payment Status
Appointment Subject
Online Scheduling Application for Renting Out Meeting Rooms
Creation Date
8/27/2024 3:43:33 PM
Scheduled End Date
9/4/2024 3:45:23 PM
Appointment Information
Your ticket was assigned ! Ticket Title: Online Scheduling Application for Renting Out Meeting Rooms I need an online application that's designed to show available meeting rooms, and allow people to boot time in the one they choose, and then either make a one time payment or set up subscription payments. I already have someone to work with the card scanning to unlock the doors, but I need to get the coding done, so they have an authentication method. Give me a time and date when someone will be available to talk about it. (no diagnostics were performed)
This task will be assigned to Dominic Sinclair , unless reassigned to a different Technician.
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