Assignment Details

OpSys Platform Unknown Install Update AppName Specific 000

Assigned to: Naomi Sommers

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Contractor Name
Naomi Sommers
Customer Payment Status
Appointment Subject
I need to reinstall Windows 11 from a Flash Drive, and I need Help
Creation Date
10/4/2024 3:21:24 PM
Scheduled End Date
10/12/2024 3:22:37 PM
Appointment Information
Your ticket was assigned ! Ticket Title: I need to reinstall Windows 11 from a Flash Drive, and I need Help I'm reinstalling Windows 11 from a crashed computer. Yes, I found some instructions on the internet, but I really need the process to go without any problems. I run a small business, and I need to get my computer running. Most of my stuff is backed up on OneDrive, so I should be good there. Let me know if there is anyone available to help me today. (no diagnostics were performed)
This task will be assigned to Naomi Sommers, unless reassigned to a different Technician.

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