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recent local consult: 3/25/2025 4:36:00 PM - 8:36:00 PM
recent remote consult: 3/25/2025 10:36:11 AM - 2:36:11 PM
Assignment Details
OpSys Platform Unknown Install Update AppName Specific 000
Assigned to: Luis Brown
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Contractor Name
Luis Brown
Customer Payment Status
Appointment Subject
Epson Printer Installation with Network and Automated Scheduling
Creation Date
1/31/2025 6:31:54 PM
Scheduled End Date
2/8/2025 6:37:30 PM
Appointment Information
Your ticket was assigned ! Ticket Title: Epson Printer Installation with Network and Automated Scheduling This is for the installation of an Advanced Epson Printer, Model ET-2800/ET-2803. The owners manual mentions an automated installation for software, but there is also an app that can be downloaded. Because anything can go wrong, it would be nice to have someone there to trouble shoot. (no diagnostics were performed)
This task will be assigned to Luis Brown, unless reassigned to a different Technician.
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