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recent local consult: 3/25/2025 4:36:00 PM - 8:36:00 PM
recent remote consult: 3/25/2025 10:36:11 AM - 2:36:11 PM
Assignment Details
OpSys iOS DeviceName Install Update AppName Specific 000
Assigned to: Daisy Dukes
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Contractor Name
Daisy Dukes
Customer Payment Status
Appointment Subject
I need Video Recordings from my phone to be save remotely on a server
Creation Date
2/23/2025 11:51:22 PM
Scheduled End Date
3/3/2025 11:51:22 PM
Appointment Information
Most of the time, I work as a videographer, but also part time as a YouTube contributor. What ever the activity is, I'm always collecting videos. The problem is that at some point during the day, I have to stop because my recorder is full. I've missed a lot of activity for lack of space to store video. So, I need to speak with someone about an online app or website, where I can upload my video as I create, without losing anything.
This task will be assigned to Daisy Dukes, unless reassigned to a different Technician.
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