Assignment Details

OpSys Platform Unknown Install Update AppName Specific 000

Assigned to: Frances Wilkinson

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Contractor Name
Frances Wilkinson
Customer Payment Status
Appointment Subject
Is there a Browser Extension that restricts False News and Hackers
Creation Date
3/7/2025 1:46:15 PM
Scheduled End Date
3/15/2025 1:46:47 PM
Appointment Information
Your ticket was assigned ! Ticket Title: Is there a Browser Extension that restricts False News and Hackers We all know what's happening in the world, and we know what happens next, because we've been through it before. What I'm looking for, is something that can be installed in my browser that tells me if the website I'm looking at can possibly lead to information that is false. Simple enough in practice, but it has to be reliable, or nothing is safe. Let me know if there is someone I can talk to about it. (no diagnostics were performed)
This task will be assigned to Frances Wilkinson , unless reassigned to a different Technician.

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