Communicating with Text, Email and Website
Everything with mobile devices involve reading, so we begin with a discussion about communication.
Lesson #01
When you send text messages and email back and forth your delivering information to the person that your communicating with. They ask a question and you answer it. Under normal Social environments, this is not a problem because you know each other, or your trying to get to know this other person.
In business, this is not the same thing. If you answer one question, without charging, then your obligated to answer another one for free. When you stop answering questions, that's when they go somewhere else to get their answers. All this means, is that you need a reliable method to get paid for the work you do and the answers you give to clients. That's what the Activemode Network is for.
You should be aware that when you recieve an assignment from the Activemode Network, it comes from the client we serve, and we manage the account to make sure they pay us, so that we can pay you. If you've ever been in a situation where you did work for someone, and they promised to pay you... but never did... then you know how important it is to manage accounts properly.
For safety reasons, it's not a good idea to give people an email address outside of the Activemode Network, and you should never give a client your personal phone number. You can never be sure what people will do with your personal information, so it's best to use the email address that we provide you with, and the Desktop and Mobile Website to work through, so that your not exposed to people that you can't see.
You'll probably never have to talk to anyone over the phone, but you might need to at some point. If you need to discuss an issue or an assignment with a Client, you should never use your own phone number. You might have to invest in another phone, or an online service to make phone calls for business. Remember that if your talking to a client about an issue that we're not aware of, it can be confusing. Always notify the Network of anything "Business Related" that you do for client BEFORE you do it. Otherwise, we can verify anything and there will be trust lost.
Your work assignments will depend on your willingness to communicate your information and actions, so that we understand what your doing, and how you do it. If we don't know about the work you do, then we can't pay you for it. It's not different from working in an office, and you should deal with the work in a professional manner, so that you can get more assignments. Remember that the clients we work for are professionals and they expect you to be a professional too.
Here's more information about:
"Communicating with Text, Email and Website"
10 Tips for Effective Workplace Communication
20 Ways to Communicate Effectively With Your Team
What Are the Benefits of Effective Communication in the Workplace?
Activemode Network Mobile Training
Desktop and Mobile Device
Work / Life Balance Coordinator
Skillset Assessment
30 day Evaluation