Learning to Work Offline without an Internet Connection
Lesson #6
The word "Text" refers to a collection of words that represent an idea. We see and write words all day long, and read them too. There was a time before the internet when we would use something called plain text to write and save information. You should get familiar with writing plain text, because the day might come when that's all you have, and there's an assignment due... and you have no internet connection.
From the time you purchase a Smartphone, it's connected to the internet, and all kinds of wonderful things happen "automatically", so you don't have to worry about remembering. These reminders and auto-functions are there to make your life easier, but they can also spoil you, and make you believe that you don't have to do anything but wait for something to happen. Before the worst happens, make sure that you have the tools you need to keep working.
If you don't already have one on your phone, you should download and install a "plain text editor". This should be a program that writes TEXT, and does nothing else that requires the internet. You need this plain text editor so that you can write plain text and continue working on your projects, until you get to somewhere that has Wifi or some other internet connection. If you wait, and do nothing until the internet comes back to your phone, you could waste hours.
Have you ever seen a person that's lost their internet connection and can't do anything ? They just sit there as if they don't have much of a life, and wait. If the phone still works, you can continue working and adding the information that you need for the project you're working on. Do you remember the Library ?... they have books there, and stuff that people used to work with back in the old days. It's still useful because they also have computers.
Alright, so the point is that you don't need an internet connection to work, and using that as an excuse to NOT finish an assignment is not a good idea. Especially if the assignment is due that same day. If the assignment is to find one piece of information, and your disconnected for 20 hours, when you get reconnected you should have the answer and not have to look for it. Mobile work is more pro-active, and getting everything you need to work with, before you need it.
Here's more information about:
"Learning to Work Offline without an Internet Connection"
Open and Save Word Documents With TextEdit
Could you survive a week with no internet?
Plain text
Text editor
Activemode Network Mobile Training
Desktop and Mobile Device
Work / Life Balance Coordinator
Skillset Assessment
30 day Evaluation