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Team Work While Working On Projects

Lesson #9
It's not like you've never done it before. Most of time when we work on a regular job, we get an assignment and it's up to us to get the work done. You'll be lucky to get any help with it, unless the boss orders someone to work with you. You're on your own and you either succeed or fail, win or lose. But it doesn't have to be that way, and you don't have to work alone in a mobile working environment. You can ask for help from the other people that work with us.

We all know different things, and if you ask a question, we'll all give different answers. But the method is always the same. We figure out what has to be done, get all the tools together, and figure out where to start. That's where some people get stuck. Because there's no one there to tell you "how" to do it, then you can't get started. If you need help with working out a procedure, that's when you start contacting the Activemode Network for ideas. At the same time we're working with you, we can also contact others that can help you too.

Once we work in a group, there are more brains working together and more ideas to consider. We get more work done faster, and create associations with other members that can help the next time you need help. Or if the project is something that you know better, then it's your turn to lend a hand and help out. We don't work inside of an Office, we work outside, whereever is confortable. There's no peer pressure or obligations to look like you know what your doing. Not while we're all doing it together.

It's really unusual to even bring up the subject of Team Work, but it has to be mentioned. There are a lot of people that prefer to work alone, and sometimes they do better that way. But when an assignment calls for people to work together, there's no real way to avoid it, and we have to find ways to get past the egos, and get all the work done. Nothing personal, because it's all business, and for that reason alone, we should be willing to put everything aside, and finish the work.

So to summarize, there's Email, Public Message board, Private Messages, Chat Room, and a Knowledge Base that we can all use to work together. If you've been taking the Training Courses for a while, you've begun to learn the technical side of Mobile Working, and have the problem solving skills to get more work done faster. We're here to help you and teach you new skills. And the other members while they're helping you learn, they also learn from you.


Here's more information about:
"Team Work While Working On Projects"

Tips for Working as Group

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