Microsoft Outlook Email Information
Lesson #17
There's no need to get nervous, you don't have to use Microsoft Outlook, if you don't have it. But it really is important to know how it works, because some of the people you'll be working with use it. It costs money for a subscription, but like I said, it's more important to know how other people are using it, so that you know how they do the things they do, and you won't be surprised when they do those things. Most importantly, you'll understand what they're talking about.
Outlook is designed basically for sending and receiving mail, but it does a little bit more than that. You can send Spreadsheets that are open to view, copy dates to save on the Calendar, and Create "Team" email (group email) so that when you send something out it goes to everyone on a list. The email is organized so that you can list the different emails that you use on one screen, and view them one at a time. You can add Yahoo, Gmail, and other types there too.
Outlook has a Calendar tab that allows you to schedule "Events" using the email program. When you create an Event, it gives you an option to notify others on your email list about the event, so they can save that information on their Calendars. You can also set Reminders that will notify you when the Event is about to happen, so that you don't forget anything. Like a notification, an hour, day, week, or month in advance. It also remembers Birthdays and Anniversaries.
Contact List:
In Outlook the Contact list is a part of the Mail and Calendar, so that when you add Names and Email addresses you can find it when you send an Email. When you add Birthdays to the Contact list under a person's name, it can also set a reminder. The Contact list on your phone can be synchronized with the Contact list in Outlook, so that when you add a Name, it's also available on your phone. It's important to remember that people that use Outlook use their Contacts to save Business Information along with Names and Email Addresses.
The Tasks in Outlook help with setting goals and getting things done on schedule. When someone says, they're setting a Task in Outlook, they create something that should be done on a Schedule. If you don't know what that schedule is, you can ask them. Most of the time the schedule is just for them, but if you're working with them, it's also your scheduled task.
So the Outlook Email is not that complex, it just has different parts to it, that work together. If you know what someone is doing with Outlook, you won't be confused, and they won't have to explain it to you, because you'll already know.
Here's more information about:
"Microsoft Outlook Email Information"
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