Changing The Way You Think About Work
Lesson #19
This is something that was discussed before, but now that you know more about the tools and how they're used, it's time to go back to it, because some people may not understand, and need a little refresher course.
Knowledge is what brought us to where we are now. Pilling rocks in front of a Cave to protect ourselves from Predators, and looking up at the Sky, thinking that the Sun is moving, when it's really the Earth rotating. Science and Technology is what we worked with to gain more control over our environment. The Smartphone, as of now, is the achievement of Millions of years worth of Evolution. We have the Internet available along with all the knowledge in the World in our pockets.
Every time you look for something on the Internet, you'll find it, or something that will point you in the right direction. If you need to speak to someone in Europe, you can dial the number and speak, instead of writing a letter that takes 6 months by Cruise Ship. Most people have NO IDEA of the power they have, and even worst, they have no idea how to use it to their benefit. So that's why we at the Activemode Network are taking so much time and effort to teach these things.
The next generation of Business will not be what everyone thinks it will be. We have Professionals coming out of College with new knowledge, and some retiring with 20 and 30 years of experience in the workplace, and they're both looking for things to do with their lives. The Smartphone, and the connection that it gives to the workplace is what will make a difference in your life. Already the kids learn games in a few seconds, so imagine what they can do with a Business Application once they know there's money involved.
We can give you all the information you need to succeed, but in the end, it's up to you to motivate yourself to learn and do more. There's no one watching you, or forcing you to do the work that you have to do, so if you fail, it's because you didn't "manage" yourself. Mobile Work is self-motivated, and there's no Staff, Management or Boss looking over your shoulder telling you what to do and how to do it. You should already know, or be able to find the answers.
Okay, so there's something for you to ponder and think about as you go through your day. There was a time when we had to go to work in order to use a computer, and now we have one in our pockets. People make a profit by working, so that's where your focus should be. Playtime was over a long time ago. Don't waste your time playing games, when you can be working.
Here's more information about:
"Changing The Way You Think About Work"
Addiction and Smartphone Games
Do You Spend Too Much Time Playing 'Stupid Games' ?
How to Cure an Addiction to Smartphone Games
You Don't Need to Give Up Your Smartphone
Activemode Network Mobile Training
Desktop and Mobile Device
Work / Life Balance Coordinator
Skillset Assessment
30 day Evaluation