Using The Proper Wording And Phrasing
Lesson #20
There is a right way and a wrong way to write words and ideas so that people understand what you mean. Using acronyms and abbreviations are fine with friends and people that know you, but for business, they can cause problems and misunderstandings. People in business want you to understand them, and you also want them to understand what you're saying, so it's important to "write" legibly, and explain in detail what you need people to understand.
For example, if you had to read a document that you wrote yourself, out loud in court, you don't want to have phrases that don't belong there like "kind of" or "sort of", because the terminology has to be precise. If you're editing a Technical Manual that involves a program name like "Microsoft Office Document", you don't want to use an abbreviation like "Office Doc", unless it's stated in the beginning that going forward the term will be abbreviated, so that there's no misunderstanding.
Customers are sensitive to wording, mainly because they don't know you, and can't see you, and they know nothing about you. The only thing they can judge you on is the way that you write, and the words that you choose to explain things. So you can appear as a Professional sitting behind a desk, wearing an Expensive Suit, or you can seem to be some guy laying on the bed in Pajama's trying to look important. It's all in the words you choose, and how you phrase them.
If you've never had the chance to read a legal document, then look one up on the internet for a Licensing Agreement, or Non-Disclosure Agreement and read through it. I don't mean look at it, I mean READ the document, and notice the wording on that document, as compared to an Instructional Manual. The legal document has specific wording, and terminology, while the Instruction Manual is more detailed. Even though the Manual is detailed, by contrast the legal document makes statements without going into specific detail. It takes time to know what the differences are, but you'll be better at what you do once you know, and can write the same way.
And finally, The Dictionary is a great resource for synonyms and acronyms that you need to change the way your write. Take the time to look up complex words for simple everyday words that you normally use. You don't have to become a genius, you just need to be able to write like one. And if someone asks you to read their document and explain to them what it says in plain language, then you should be able to understand what you're reading, so that you can explain.
Here's more information about:
"Using The Proper Wording And Phrasing"
The Top 25 positive words and phrases
Transitional Words & Phrases
Definition of: Non-Disclosure Agreement
Examples of Legal Documents for Real Estate
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