Social Media and How It Applies to Mobile Work
Lesson #24
Social Media is not always the best way to get real work done, but it's important to know how it works, so that you understand what's happening. Those sites, like Facebook, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Twitter have Billions of users. That's not "millons with an M, it's "billions" with a B.
We sign onto these sites, answer questions, and give them information about ourselves to increase the Social aspect of the online experience. If we give them less, then we get less out of it. When we give them more, then they provide more attributes and incentives for us to use the service, and keep coming back. This is by design, and the main objective is to connect us all in the same place, with the same groups of people, so they can find out what we want from them... so they can offer it to us for sale.
Are you surprised ?
It shouldn't be a surprise when the site offers free membership, and asks us for information about ourselves in return for using the website to do what we want. Or do what we think we want. All we can actually do with the site is what they allow us to do. If we give less information, then we can't do more, unless we comply, and give them more information to work with. There's an advantage to the free Social Websites, when you need to connect with more people that are on your level. The people that we associate with most are there, and the only way to reach them is by doing what they do, so that we can connect with them.
So free is not really free. We give something and we get something in return. It's not so difficult to understand when you think about normal "in person" relationships where we meet people, talk to them, and find out who they are, so that we can offer friendship, and get to know them better. If we don't socialize with people, they won't know who we are, and we can't really get much out of life. Social interaction is what helps people become better and smarter about who they should spend time with, and is important for both business and personal reasons. So we can't avoid each other and expect to make any progress.
It's different with Corporate websites at the workplace. At work, the website associated with your job, may ask you for information to help you do your job better, or to help connect with other employees to help get more work done. The Activemode Network is not a "free" website, but you don't have to pay to use it. We pay people to work, when the work is available, but you have to pass the evaluation. You also need to have the skills necessary to do the work, which is why you signed up for additional training, so that you can do more, and get better assignments. We choose better skilled people for the complex assignments, and when there's something more simple, we choose people with less skills. That's shouldn't be a surprise either, and you should understand that.
So the difference between a Social Website that's free and requires information, and a Corporate Website, that is also free, but requires training should be understood, so that you don't expect things that are not possible.
Social Websites offer "free games, chat and messaging" in return for using the website and giving them information about yourself. They do NOT pay you to work, and you don't need training.
Corporate Websites offer work in return for the training and skills you have to perform the job that your hired to do. They PAY you to work, and you need additional training to do the job that your being paid to do.
Here's more information about:
"Social Media and How It Applies to Mobile Work"
List of social networking websites
Top 15 Most Popular Social Networking Sites
Working Together Online
Online shopping
Activemode Network Mobile Training
Desktop and Mobile Device
Work / Life Balance Coordinator
Skillset Assessment
30 day Evaluation