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Artificial Stimulants And Effects On Work

Lesson #25

This is Important, because it relates to work, and how you feel when your working. More people than you think, will use artificial stimulants to stay awake and do more work than they normally do. It's not necessary, and I'll explain why you don't need them to increase your workload.

Prescriptions and Legal Medication
This is a short subject. If your on medication than be careful with your dosage, and don't take more than you need to work. Make sure you drink plenty of water and only take medication that's prescribed for your condition. That's the long and short discussion.

Coffee and Caffeine
Coffee is the one thing that most people rely on to wake up and get going in the morning. Usually people will have the one cup, and get going. Others will have two or three. But at some point the caffeine will begin to have an adverse affect on the way you think, and cause you to make the wrong decisions, because you become too hyper. This hyperactivity in your brain causes you to sometimes over think things. Other times, it causes you to make rush decisions, because you just want to get it over with. The problem becomes worse instead of being solved, and Coffee and Caffeine becomes a problem. Take it easy, and try to get more sleep, so that you don't need so much of it to wake up.

Power Drinks, with Caffeine and Sugar
Now we get to the solution that actually becomes a problem for some people. When you replace the coffee with artificial stimulants that have excessive amounts of sugar and caffeine that exceed the normal amounts, you create a hyperactive response like a turbo boost to get you going even faster. Some people see this as a good thing when they're feeling lazy or tired. But the effects wear off and you need more. Your body becomes used to the amplified state, and you ingest more of it to compensate. But when the Sugar and Caffeine wear off, you crash, and your energy burns off faster than normal, leaving you weak and tired at the end of the day. Sometimes falling asleep before you should and then amping up the next day to make up for the lack of energy. This is not a good thing. It's bad for your body, and wears it out in the same way that drugs do. So be careful, and go easy on the so called "Power Drinks" because they don't give you extra energy, they just burn up the normal energy you have faster.

Drugs and Alcohol
This should be self explanatory, but people will still justify drug use with the necessity to become more productive, and keep working. Caffeine is a "drug", so let's just admit that. Sugar and other natural chemicals can have the same effect as a drug in large amounts. Drugs, because they're artificial stimulants, make you think your doing awesome things. You think that, because you're the one thinking, with the drugs in your system. It's like the Party Person that's dancing, and thinking they're being the life of the Party, but everyone else sees them as just intoxicated. They think they're fine, but other people see that they're not. Drugs should never be involved with work, and while some people say it's "not a problem", it becomes the cause of termination, and losing friends that don't want to be around you anymore. Drugs will definitely end your career.

So the pattern of behaviour is the same for both legal and illegal drug use. Be careful with prescriptions. If you drink coffee, then don't over due it. Rather than have people judge you, it's better to control yourself, and not do anything that affects your judgment.


Here's more information about:
"Artificial Stimulants And Effects On Work"

5 Signs You've Had Too Much Caffeine

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications

Alcohol and the Workplace

Are Energy Shots Safe?

Fighting Off Sleepiness: Myths and Facts


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