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Homework Housework and Mobile Working

Lesson #26

Not everyone likes to work at home, unless you have a Home Office to work in. It's not recommended for people that enjoy their free time, and don't want to work on anything at home. The idea is not to take away your free time, it's to give you something to do with the time that your not using. The next time your sitting in the house with nothing to do, and bored, then you might understand a little more why these suggestions are mentioned. I say again, that it's not recommended unless your motivated to do more with the free time that you have.

This is the work that you bring home with you, because you couldn't finish it at work. It can be annoying and sometimes takes away from the things that you need to get done after work. Traditionally, there should be a separation between "work" and "home", and there should be nothing getting in the way of the home life that you worked so hard to separate from the work you have to do. But things need to be done, and you have to find a way to do it, or you'll have loose ends for tomorrow and the next day. So there's a sacrifice involved. Don't do more than your capable of doing.

There are things that need to be done around the house that have nothing to do with work, and will not help in the work place, because it's at home. To mix the two would cause chaos, and blur the lines between working and NOT working. Whether you have an apartment, or house, the place needs to be kept up, both inside and outside, otherwise degradation sets in. There's a family that needs attention, cleaning to be done, laundry, and cooking. Those normal things that people do when they leave work, and come home to live a life. So if it's really not possible for you to work at home, then don't do it.

Mobile Work
There's not much time to check your personal email at work, unless you get both on your phone. People check both during the workday, because they need to. If you know that, then manage the personal emails quickly and schedule your responses. If you know it's more difficult to finish a spread sheet at work, then set up the framework for it, and use a template that makes it easier to enter information on a small screen. Most Desktop Applications have "mobile" apps that do that. If your cooking everyday, then make a simple meal 2 or 3 times a week that leaves you extra time to finish up office work before dinner, and a little bit more after. Manage your time, and use the tools that you spend so much money on, to make the job easier. Not every night, but 2 or 3 times a week.

Social Networking
If you spend 3 or 4 hours on Social Networking sites, then I'll ask you if the time is worth it. I won't say that you should not socialize, and post messages and pictures to the people that are waiting for you to get home on the computer. You should live your life the way that you want, and be comfortable with your life. Once again, when you find yourself spending hours sending text messages, emails, and posting comments, think about how your time was spent, and whether or not it was worth spending so much time. Live your life, and make decisions that benefit you, and don't waste your time. Remember the work still has to get done.


Here's more information about:
"Homework Housework and Mobile Working"

Mobile Working - What are the Benefits ?

Top 5 benefits of mobile working

Mobile Technology for Increased Productivity & Profitability

3 Basic Technologies Needed for Mobile Work


Activemode Network Mobile Training

Desktop and Mobile Device

Work / Life Balance Coordinator

Skillset Assessment

30 day Evaluation

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