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Smartphone Accessories Make Life Easier

Lesson #27

Yes, we all know the camera is for taking pictures. But most people don't realize that you can use it to take notes too. When you don't have a pen, the camera can copy what you need to remember. If you see a sign, directions, or a note that you need to copy, you can use the camera to take a picture of it, so that you can write the information down later. Be careful with this accessory because depending on where you are, some things should not be photographed. It may be against the Law, or a violation of privacy.

Headset or Bluetooth
Of course we use this to take phone calls. Check to see if your phone has a voice activated program. You can also use the headset along with the voice program to search for information on your device like files and programs, and search maps for locations to get directions depending on what type of phone you have and the program that you use.

External Speakers
Yes external speakers, but not for listening to music. There are programs that are either installed in some phones, or sometimes you have to download them, that read text and email. Not all phones do this, but the latest hardware with the right software, can read your documents to you when your busy with something else. This is useful for studying when your involved in an educational course. If your proofreading documents, all you have to do is listen for when the program "mispronounces" a word, and then you can correct it.

Virtual Keyboard
There's not much information on how to use these, but they do exist, and they run off Bluetooth, like your headset. The Virtual Keyboard displays a keyboard in front of the device, so that you can type long documents without having to use the smaller keys on the phone. Of course it costs extra, so check the local stores and online for prices quotes, if your interested in getting one.

"Wysdom" App for Android and Apple Phones
There is a free trial period where you can ask questions of the app, and get answers. There's no quote on how much it will cost afterwards, so you have to read the agreement before you download it, so that your aware of what your getting into. The app has not been tested by us for accuracy, so it's up to you whether or not your interested in using it. The app will help you with your Smartphone problems, but remember the app is on the phone and if the phone isn't working, then it won't either.

These are just suggestions to give you ideas on how to use your device more efficiently, so you should always do your research to find out more. Remember the "smart" in Smartphone is you.


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"Smartphone Accessories Make Life Easier"

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