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Dealing With different Attitudes And Personalities

Lesson #28

You'll probably never meet the people that you work with unless you live close, actually know each other and went through the evaluation together. But there's always a chance you might run into different personalities at a meeting to work on a project. For that reason the issue needs to be discussed.

Generally described as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action is the best or most effective. Self-confidence is having confidence in oneself.

An insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people.

Ready or likely to confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression. Pursuing one's aims and interests forcefully.

Everyone wants to be successful, and sometimes we might look and act differently to other people than we think, because of the way we do things. Confidence is not very aggressive, and usually shows itself without actually doing anything. You perform well, and the results show that you've done a good job.
Arrogance is a little bit different, because it's more promounced, and causes people to take actions, and say things that draw attention to themselves, because these people want you to notice them, and show that you appreciate their work.
Aggressive people will actually force you to notice them with statements and actions they don't want you to ignore. The aggressive ones, will usually get upset if you dont take notice, and cooperate in making them feel more important.

So the question is how to handle those people that are more than just confident, and want you to acknowledge them, and everything they do. The best course of action is to let them explain themselves. Ask them how they do so well, and listen to what they say. The ones that are aggressive will immediately become defensive and think that your trying to steal their "secrets" to success. After that, they won't say much for fear that you'll figure it out, and magically make them fail.

When you ask the arrogant one to explain, they're more than happy to tell everything, because they assume their better than you and always will be. So let them talk and explain, until they have nothing else to say. Eventually the ones that show arrogance run out of wonderful things, and they're satisfied with themselves, because someone now knows that they are truly superior. Let them think that, and just focus on your own goals.

You'll find that the people who are confident don't have much to say but are helpful, and more interested in helping you. If you ask about them, they'll make a little statement, and then respond by asking about you, and listening to what you have to say. It's this quality that makes them successful, because they're more interested in others, and not so much themselves. This is more desirable in customer service, and Mobile Working, because you can actually work with them without having personality conflicts.

You'll meet all kinds of people if you work in any service related field, and over time, you'll find your own ways to deal with them. The best and most effective method you have when it comes to personality conflicts, is patience. If you watch and listen, then you'll know who your dealing with, and figure out the best way to deal with them.


Here's more information about:
"Dealing With different Attitudes And Personalities"

Managing Conflict When Personalities Clash

Personality Type and Relationship Success

How To Handle Personality Conflicts At Work

Conflict Resolution Skills


Activemode Network Mobile Training

Desktop and Mobile Device

Work / Life Balance Coordinator

Skillset Assessment

30 day Evaluation

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