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Non Profit Organizations, Volunteering And Customer Support

Lesson #29

Volunteering is something that you'll never be asked to do. If there's a project that involves volunteering, then you'll be told what it is, and the Activemode Network will pay you to do the work. The reason why it's discussed, is to clarify.

Pro Bono
This means that work is being done without charging the customer. There will be times when the Activemode Network will do free work for customers, just to prove that we're capable of doing it, especially if the cost is too much for them to afford to pay. This is a normal business practice, and it sometimes leads to contracts that a business needs to maintain their popularity and status. You will never be asked to do Pro Bono work.

This is different from Pro Bono, because there's no expectation that any business will come from it. Volunteering is a personal decision that involves providing work to people that don't have to money to pay, and probably never will. When you consider the argument about self reliance, and being able to support yourself, the logic fails when you know for sure that someone is not able to do something for themselves. You will never be asked to do Volunteer work.

Customer Support
When you have a high profile customer that is paying a fee for a service that your offering, they expect a little bit more that just what you've given them. Customer Support comes after the initial sale and is sometimes offered as an incentive to keep the customer as a client. Not all sales include customer service, but the ones that do offer it, are more likely to cost more. With the additional cost, then support is expected. You will never be asked to do Customer Support, only assignments and projects.

So all this was mentioned to help you understand how business runs, and why things are done for customers without them paying for it. It's very similar to when a Car has a flat tire, and someone stops to help the person. On that level it's a personal thing, and there's no reward except a good feeling inside. On the business level, the free work that we do, is for recognition and opportunities to acquire a large contract, or to provide ongoing support for a new project that the customer is not able to keep up with. The reason why we're here is to help the customer, in return for a fee. But if the project is large enough, and has enough complexity that support is necessary, then we'll provide it to them. Sometimes at cost, and other times free of charge. That's just how business is done.

As mentioned before, you won't be asked to do any work that your not being payed for. Any volunteering and work without pay, will be performed by the Management, and those people that are hired on a Management level to help with Pro Bono, Volunteer, and Customer Service work.


Here's more information about:
"Non Profit Organizations, Volunteering And Customer Support"

Pro Bono


Customer Service


Activemode Network Mobile Training

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