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Remote monitoring and management (RMM), also known as network management or remote monitoring software, is a type of software designed to help managed IT service providers (MSPs) remotely and proactively monitor client endpoints, networks and computers. This is also now known as or referred to as remote IT management.

To deploy RMM, a small software footprint often called an agent is installed on client workstations, servers, mobile devices, and other endpoints. These agents then feed information about machine health and status back to the MSP. This gives the MSP insight into client networks, provides the ability to keep machines maintained and up-to-date, and proactively stay ahead of issues and resolve them remotely without the need to go out to a client s office.

When one of these agents detects a problem on the machine it s monitoring, an alert (or ticket ) is created and sent to the MSP, prompting them to take whatever action is needed to resolve the problem. These tickets are often classified based on severity, problem type, etc., helping the MSP prioritize and identify critical vs. non-critical issues. In best case scenarios, MSPs are able to identify and solve issues before the client even realizes there s a problem.

RMM technology gives IT service providers the ability to manage more clients than traditional break/fix IT providers, and to do so more efficiently. Through RMM, technicians can remotely install software and updates, administer patches, and more and this can often all be done from a single, unified dashboard. Technicians can administer tasks simultaneously to many computers at once, and no longer have to travel from office to office to handle routine maintenance.


Gather information about client software, hardware and networks
Supply the MSP with activity reports and data
Create appropriate alerts and tickets when problems arise
Track network and device health
Monitor multiple endpoints and clients simultaneously
Automate scheduled maintenance tasks

Computers were developed in the 1950s, but it wasn t until the early 1990s that the first standard network management tools were used widespread in conjunction with the first Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Up until this point, on-site servicing was required using a break-fix model when something went wrong, the clients would call their IT technician to physically go to the server or computer to troubleshoot the problem. As this process continued, support technicians developed procedures to proactively visit clients onsite environments to check the health and status of IT running on the network. They usually used elaborate checklists to record information about machine and disk usage. Unfortunately, this still did not give IT the complete picture of ongoing health and status of the network.

The first managed IT solution tools used with SNMP could feed information back to the IT technician, but these were complex systems that were difficult to manage, and could only be afforded by huge companies with huge networks. And many MSPs sunk small fortunes into developing their own service delivery platforms with their own infrastructure and network operations center (NOC). Venturing into managed IT services was cost-prohibitive for both small businesses and the MSP.

In 2005, systems began to mature, allowing smaller companies to take advantage of the same type of managed services that Fortune 500 companies had access to. RMM technology and expert staff could now be leveraged by the MSP to service the small and medium size business (SMB) market. Thus began the managed services movement as we know it today.


Inconsistent workflow for the IT provider, which is difficult to staff and plan for IT demands are episodic, yet labor costs are fixed
Inconsistent and unreliable income with no recurring revenue model
Clients can become unhappy after experiencing multiple problems
IT service providers need more clients to keep busy and reach financial goals
When problems occur, clients can lose their trust in their IT systems and provider
Clients may develop a high tolerance to issues in an effort to avoid associated costs with fixing them
Minor issues that go unchecked can cause bigger issues in the future
Systems can become outdated without regular updates and upgrades
Disastrous events, data breaches, etc. are more likely to occur on outdated or unchecked systems


SMBs can enjoy enterprise-level automation and monitoring
Issues are detected before they become major problems and
avoid system failure
IT service providers can decrease site visits and associated costs
Clients pay a fixed monthly price to keep their IT up and running
Fixed pricing means no surprises for the client and reliable
revenue for the IT provider
Optimal network stability is achieved through proactive maintenance
The fewer problems that occur, the higher the profit margin
End-users enjoy increased uptime without disruption during servicing
The life of devices can be extended with improved performance
High-valued techs can be focused on preventative maintenance rather than break-fix issues
Customer satisfaction and loyalty are increased
Increased technician and end-user productivity
Issues are often resolved before clients experience them in their environment
Allows MSPs to scale, expand their client base and provide true 24x7x365 coverage
Reduces surprises and maximizes uptime


MSPs today are largely pricing RMM services using a flat-rate, monthly recurring revenue model. Pricing is usually based on the number of devices and services included, with tiered packages priced at graduated levels. A la carte pricing for additional services allows customers to choose specific offerings that work best for them. For instance, on-site customer support may be offered as an extra fee.

MSPs must also determine whether to employ a per-device or per-user pricing structure, which charges clients a fixed price for managed services based on either the number of devices or the number of users in a given environment. Both approaches have their own respective pros and cons.

Modern managed IT services and RMM software continue to shape the technology side of today s SMB market. SMBs increasingly need IT to keep the wheels turning, and to compete with larger organizations. To ensure long-term growth potential and opportunity to scale, MSPs today should consider:

Partnering with an RMM provider who offers centralized leadership, supporting their business with training, education and expertise
Choosing an RMM platform that supports diverse environments, including fully-virtualized and hybrid cloud infrastructures.
Leveraging RMM and connected tools via a single pane of glass, to streamline daily operations without the headache of managing multiple dashboards
Letting the RMM software automatically handle routine tasks, like patch management, antivirus definition updates and script scheduling, so you can focus on core operations and business growth
Finding an RMM solution backed by a strong network operations center (NOC) by finding a partner with a strong technical staff and infrastructure in place, you can redirect your most talented technicians toward your most important projects.

Original Copy:
Continuum IT Management Platform

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"Remote monitoring and management (RMM)"

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